

Palm Sunday 2023

The Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of St. Peter the Apostle celebrated Palm Sunday throughout all of the various parishes. Many of our parishes had gatherings after their Palm Sunday Masses which included Easter egg hunts, lunch, and many other festive activities. May this Holy Week be a blessing to us all.

By |April 2nd, 2023|

Catholic Padres Night

Last week the St. Peter’s high school and middle school bible study leaders enjoyed the Catholic themed San Diego Padres night. Don’t forget to pray for all of our youth leaders in our Eparchy who volunteer their time and effort to bring the future of the Church closer to Christ.

By |July 19th, 2022|


God’s Mercy

God's Mercy By Fr. Simon Esshaki   The Parable of the Prodigal Son reveals, more than anything, God’s mercy toward mankind. Jesus, who is the ultimate revelation of God the Father, tells a story about God’s love and mercy for us sinners. We can all see ourselves in the son [...]

By |July 17th, 2021|

تأمُل في انجيل الاحد الرابع من الرسل لوقا 6: 12- 46

    تأمُل في انجيل الاحد الرابع من الرسل    لوقا 6: 12- 46 By Fr. Mazin Hanna   تأمُل في انجيل الاحد الرابع من الرسل     لوقا 6: 12- 46 اعداد القس مازن قرياقوز صليو البوتاني في نص انجيل اليوم هناك افكار كثيرة ولكن سوف أحاول التركيز على [...]

By |June 28th, 2021|

Discerning a Vocation

Discerning a Vocation By Fr. Andrew Younan In my sixteen years as a priest, I’ve been vocation director, seminary rector, and spiritual director to a convent. More importantly, I’ve made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot, and like many God-related things, a lot of the knowledge we have about [...]

By |June 10th, 2021|
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