Why “FertilityCare” (popularly referred to as Natural Family Planning)?

The Creighton Model FertilityCare System empowers women to monitor their bodies’ signs of fertility (referred to as “biomarkers”) naturally without any hormonal interference. Use of FertilityCare gives a woman control over her life by enabling her to understand the natural changes in her cycle. Use of FertilityCare in marriage empowers each spouse to share fully with the other. FertilityCare not only helps in promoting fertility, it can reveal underlying health conditions that would otherwise be missed. Ultimately, its use enhances a couple’s relationship as God intended. Other methods that promote fertility in this natural and healthy way are also available.

Some links are below. If you are interested to learn more, particularly about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, please contact Rasha Tominna, FCPI, a FertilityCare Practitioner Intern, at mikharasha@hotmail.com.
