St Peter Diocese

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So far St Peter Diocese has created 48 blog entries.



Easter By Fr. Andrew Younan John 20:1-18 I want to follow Mary Magdalene through this and what was going on. I want to think about how she progressed from the sadness that she had at the very beginning of the gospel to the joy that she had at the end. The reason I'm doing this is because I'm sad and we're sad and there's a lot to be sad about, and I want to see how she dealt with her sadness and how Christ interacted with her in this sad moment. First, I want to point out she was not in [...]


Palm Sunday


Palm Sunday By Fr. David Stephen   “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” -Matthew 21:9 These are the words that the people cried out as Christ was journeying towards the temple in the Holy City, for the yearly celebration of Passover. This was the reminder and celebration of the Israelites being freed from the slavery of the Egyptians. As Jesus was entering into the city atop a donkey, he was greeted by the same people who were so grateful and happy for his coming, yet these same people are the ones who just a few [...]

Palm Sunday2021-06-28T16:46:05-07:00

Jesus the Good Shepherd


Jesus the Good Shepherd By Fr. Peter Patros If there is one image of Jesus that warms the heart of many, it would have to be the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. William Barclay argues that “there is no better loved picture of Jesus than the Good Shepherd.” Watching this carry, lead, and protect these helpless sheep is a metaphor we could carry with us for days on end. We have reached the Sixth Sunday of the Great Fast. The Gospel for this Sunday reads from the tenth chapter of John where Jesus takes on this great role as [...]

Jesus the Good Shepherd2021-06-28T16:46:12-07:00

Rivers of Living Water


Rivers of Living Water By Fr. Daniel Shaba        The picture I used for this article might be confusing to some. If any Jew during the first century looked at this picture, they would immediately know that it is the Pool of Siloam. During the Jewish feast of Tabernacles, the priests would go to the Pool of Siloam and draw water from there to take to the temple as a sacrifice. This sacrifice was to be seen as a prayer for rain so that their crops received a sufficient amount of rain in order to survive by means of [...]

Rivers of Living Water2021-06-28T17:01:14-07:00

قراءة من إنجيل الأحد الخامس من الصوم الكبير (إنجيل يوحنا) 


By Fr. Ray Sarkees   قراءة من إنجيل الأحد الخامس من الصوم الكبير (إنجيل يوحنا)  37وفي آخِرِ يَومٍ مِنَ العيد، وهُو أَعظَمُ أَيَّامِه، وقَفَ يسوع ورفَعَ صَوتَه قال:((إِن عَطِشَ أَحَدٌ فليُقبِلْ إِلَيَّ 38ومَن آمنَ بي فَلْيَشَربْ كما ورَدَ في الكِتاب:ستَجْري مِن جَوفِه أَنهارٌ مِنَ الماءِ الحَيّ)). 39وأَرادَ بِقَولِه الرُّوحَ الَّذي سيَنالُه المؤمِنونَ بِه، فلَم يكُنْ هُناكَ بَعدُ مِن رُوح، لأَنَّ يسوعَ لم يَكُنْ قد مُجِّد. 40فقالَ أُناسٌ مِنَ الجَمعِ وقَد سَمِعوا ذلك الكَلام:((هذا هو النَّبِيُّ حَقاً!)) 41وقالَ غيرُهُم:((هذا هو المَسيح!)) ولكِنَّ آخرَينَ قالوا:((أَفتُرى مِنَ الجَليلِ يَأتي المَسيح؟ 42أَلَم يَقُلِ الكِتابُ إِنَّ المَسيحَ هُوَ مِن نَسلِ داود وإِنَّهُ يأتي مِن بَيتَ لَحْمَ، القَريةِ [...]

قراءة من إنجيل الأحد الخامس من الصوم الكبير (إنجيل يوحنا) 2021-06-28T17:01:22-07:00

Water and Spirit


Water and Spirit By Fr. Ankido Sipo      The Bible, being the Words of God, is fascinating for many reasons, among which is the fact that God, in speaking to us through Scripture, uses human things to speak with us so that we may understand. This is in order to draw our minds from earthly things to heavenly things, by using earthly things to tilt our heads upward. In the case of this week’s Gospel reading (John 7), we see one of the essential elements of the earth being used as a means to draw us into the life of God. [...]

Water and Spirit2021-06-28T17:01:42-07:00
  • Jesus talking

Faith for Faith’s Sake 


  Faith for Faith’s Sake  Fr. Simon Esshaki We all probably know people who do not take their faith seriously. It is possible that if you are reading now, you have either gone through a time where you were weak in faith, or are going through one now. It could be because the faith seems like it is too much of a routine - the weekly Mass, daily prayers, fasting, etc. Sometimes we lose the meaning of the faith because it gets diluted by the shallowness of our fallen humanity and of this world, and we sometimes get affected by that. [...]

Faith for Faith’s Sake 2021-06-28T17:01:49-07:00

الاحد الثاني من الصوم متى 7: 15- 27


الاحد الثاني من الصوم متى 7: 15- 27 By Fr. Mazin Hanna   الاحد الثاني من الصوم متى 7: 15- 27 15 ((إِيَّاكُم والأَنبِياءَ الكَذَّابين، فإِنَّهم يَأتونَكُم في لِباسِ الخِراف، وهُم في باطِنِهِم ذِئابٌ خاطِفة. 16من ثِمارِهم تَعرِفونَهم. أَيُجْنى مِنَ الشَّوْكِ عِنَبٌ أَو مِنَ العُلَّيْقِ تين؟ 17كذَلِكَ كُلُّ شَجَرةٍ طَيِّبَةٍ تُثمرُ ثِماراً طَيِّبَة، والشَّجَرَةُ الخَبيثَةُ تُثمِرُ ثِماراً خَبيثة. 18فلَيسَ لِلشَّجَرَةِ الطَّيِّبَةِ أَن تُثمِرَ ثِماراً خَبيثة، ولا لِلشَّجَرةِ الخَبيثَةِ أَن تُثمِرَ ثِماراً طَيِّبَة. 19وكُلُّ شَجَرةٍ لاتُثمِرُ ثَمَراً طَيِّباً تُقطَعُ وتُلْقى في النَّار. 20فمِن ثِمارِهِم تَعرِفونَهم. ها هو يسوع مرة أخرى يضعنا امام تحدي جديد، هو الوعي والتميز بين التعليم الصحيح والتعليم المزيف [...]

الاحد الثاني من الصوم متى 7: 15- 272021-06-28T17:02:10-07:00
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