
Ordination of Fr. Raymond Sliva


On Thursday, May 26th 2022 Fr. Raymond Sliva was ordained to the priesthood of Jesus Christ by the laying of hands of His Excellency Bishop Emanuel Shaleta. The ordination took place at St. Paul Chaldean-Assyrian parish in North Hollywood, California.  

Ordination of Fr. Raymond Sliva2022-08-19T01:18:33-07:00

Fr. Roni Schamoun was Ordained


On May 28th, 2021, our Diocese has gained a new priest! Fr. Roni Schamoun was ordained today to the sacred priesthood by His Excellency, Bishop Emanuel Shaleta. Please pray for him and the future priests of our diocese.

Fr. Roni Schamoun was Ordained2021-08-05T01:07:54-07:00
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