Monthly Archives: April 2021

Asking God for Things


Asking God for Things By Fr. Simon Esshaki   Probably all of us have experienced a time in our lives when we asked God for something and did not receive it. We could ask ourselves why Jesus would say that we should “ask and receive” if he will not give us what we ask for. Whenever there is a seeming contradiction in the Scriptures and with the way that we experience God’s providence, it does not mean that God or the Scriptures are wrong; it probably means that we are missing something. The first thing to do in this case is [...]

Asking God for Things2021-06-28T16:45:26-07:00

The Reality of Death


The Reality of Death By Fr. Daniel Shaba   Why do we use alternative words for death when expressing that someone has died? I have noticed that many people use terms such as: passed away, departed from with world, and phrases alike. Why do we shy away from saying that this person died? I’m not sure I necessarily have an answer to these questions, but one this is certain, these questions reveal a lot about the human person. We do not like to talk about death, we try avoiding funerals, we will use excuses to not go to the graveside service [...]

The Reality of Death2021-06-28T16:45:34-07:00

الاحد الثالث من القيامة يوحنا 14: 1-14


  الاحد الثالث من القيامة By Fr. Michael Barota   الاحد الثالث من القيامة يوحنا 14: 1-14 لا زلنا في موسم القيامة، ولا زلنا نتأمل في سر ألموت وألحياة، ويسوع في ليلة ألعشاء ألأخير يطمإنا ويقول" لا تضطرب قلوبكم";، وهو في دربه إلى ألصليب يعزينا بأن نؤمن بألأب ونؤمن به. لا داعي للخوف من الموت، فهو ذاهب إلى ألأب، ليهيء لنا مكان، إنه على موعد مع ألأب ألمحب، لبداية جديدة أفضل بكثير من هذه ألبداية، لكي يحضر لنا مكان في منازل ألأب ألكثيرة، وسيأتي ليأخذنا معه، فهو يريد أن نكون معه. ولكن علينا أن نعرف ألطريق ونسلكه ألأن في هذه ألحياة، [...]

الاحد الثالث من القيامة يوحنا 14: 1-142021-06-28T16:45:43-07:00



Easter By Fr. Andrew Younan John 20:1-18 I want to follow Mary Magdalene through this and what was going on. I want to think about how she progressed from the sadness that she had at the very beginning of the gospel to the joy that she had at the end. The reason I'm doing this is because I'm sad and we're sad and there's a lot to be sad about, and I want to see how she dealt with her sadness and how Christ interacted with her in this sad moment. First, I want to point out she was not in [...]

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