• Volunteers work collaboratively with the pastor and/or other supervisors and associates in ministry.
• Volunteers faithfully represent and practice the teachings of the Catholic Church with integrity in word and action.
• Volunteers are competent and receive education and training commensurate with their role(s) and responsibilities.
• Volunteers respect the diversity of spiritualities in the faith community and will not make their own personal form of spirituality normative.
• Volunteers recognize the dignity of each person and refrain from behaviors or words that are disrespectful of anyone or any group.
• Volunteers serve all people without regard to gender, creed, national origin, age, marital status, socioeconomic status, or political beliefs.
• Volunteers act to ensure all persons have access to the resources, services and opportunities they require with particular regard for persons with special needs or disabilities.
• Volunteers are accountable to the pastor or other duly appointed representative.
• Volunteers are called to serve the faith community, carrying out their ministry conscientiously, zealously, and diligently.
• Volunteers exercise responsible stewardship of resources while holding themselves to the highest standards of integrity regarding fiscal matters placed in their trust.
• Volunteers respect confidentiality.
• Volunteers adhere to civil and ecclesial law, policy and procedure concerning the reporting of neglect, suspected abuse or when physical harm could come to the person or to a third party.
• Volunteers support the rights and roles of parents while ministering to the needs and concerns of minors.
• Volunteers are aware they have considerable personal power because of their ministerial position. Therefore, they will sustain respectful ministerial relationships, avoiding manipulation and other abuses of power. Physical, sexual, or romantic relationships between an adult volunteer and a minor are unethical and are prohibited.
• Volunteers model healthy and positive behaviors with minors. Procuring, providing, or using alcohol and/or controlled substances for or with minors is unethical and is prohibited.
• Volunteers are aware of the signs of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse and neglect.
• Volunteers are aware of their limitations with respect to paraprofessional counseling and make appropriate referrals.
• Volunteers are aware of and comply with all applicable parish, organizational and/or diocesan policies with special attention to sexual misconduct, safety, transportation, parental permission, and medical emergency policies.